We invite you to celebrate
our wedding
Jumat, 09 Agustus 2024
Om swastyastu
Atas Asung Kertha Wara Nugraha Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa/ Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, kami bermaksud mengundang Bapak/ Ibu/ Saudara/ i pada Upacara Manusa Yadnya Pawiwahan putra dan putri kami.
mempelai pria
Putra dari Bapak AKP (Purn) I Gusti Ngurah Wiratma dan Ibu Dewa Ayu Putri Kencani
mempelai wanita
Putri dari Bapak Aiptu (Purn) I Made Karya dan Ibu Ni Made Sukarini
days to go
Almost 8 years of relationship, we decided to get married. Through ups and downs, sweet and sour together. Even though so many people doubtful of us, but we still stick together until this time.
We met at primary school, and Ninda was falling in love for the first time with the guy called Wah Satya at grade 4. We don’t know each other and Ninda was a secret admirers of his for many years. Until when Ninda at high school, Wah Satya finds Ninda instragram’s explore and start the chat for the first time. And starting the date without express our feelings clearly. But comitted to staying together. It’s really definition of “she fell first, he fell harder”
save our date
Jumat, 09 Agustus 2024
13.00 wita – selesai
Jero Bekul
Jl. Rijasa No. 2, Br. Saren, Desa Sibangkaja, Kec. Abiansemal, Kab. Badung
471901017690536 (BRI)
I Gusti Ngurah Wirasatya
“Kami mendoakan yang terbaik bagi Anda atas doa, restu, dan hadiah yang Anda berikan pada pernikahan kami. Semoga Tuhan Yang Maha Esa selalu melimpahkan rahmat dan kasih sayang-Nya kepada Anda.”